Rskingdom Discussion started by Rskingdom 5 years ago
The Dark Squall

    See Black Knights' Catacombs for a map of RS gold the dungeon.

Items needed: 13 free inventory spaces, bronze helm and iron chainbody (or a black armour set, the Black Knight captain's armour, or its cosmetic version, obtained from The Death of Chivalry), an unpowered orb and the runes for any charge-orb spell (standard spellbook is required), food for fighting multiple enemies, equipment for two combat styles OR an elite black armour set to avoid combat and save time. Emergency teleport such as ectophial for anyone around 100 combat

With the required items, head to the Black Knights' Fortress and equip the bronze helm and iron chainbody, or full (elite) black set or black knight captain's armour. A good way to get there is to use the skull of remembrance and climb down the tower to the ground floor[UK].

    From the front entrance, open the portcullis and go down the ladder at the south-western corner of the floor. Near the east wall, search the floor tile with an orb marking on it. Cast a charge orb spell on the tile and the unpowered orb in your inventory will reveal a trap door. This destroys the orb, although the trapdoor will remain open.

        If you get the message, "You see no reason to waste runes casting magic on the floor", you either haven't searched the tile or you haven't checked back with Akrisae yet.

     Climb down the ladder. You will be attacked by buy 2007 runescape gold elite black knights, along with their ranger, mage and warrior counterparts. Your goal is to kill three black knights and collect an elite black armour set.